Yeah, yeah, you liked to build with Lego bricks when you were a kid. But could you build a go-kart large enough and sturdy enough to carry your own weight? Don't answer yet. Could you then make this monster kart actually move under its own power, albeit slowly, like the real thing? We thought not, hotshot.
Mind you, it seems as though the adult in this video – a Dutchman by the name of Eric Steenstra – is running the show, and likely the build. The go kart (dubbed "Le-GoKart" on Steenstra's tumblr page) makes use of 48 Lego Mindstorms NXT motors and 16 NXT battery packs, has working headlights and taillights and can support the weight of a 222-pound adult man. It is constructed exclusively from Lego parts, too – no cheating.
Forget the fact that the kart is so slow with a child piloting it that an area rug substantially slows it down, and simply enjoy the videoed madness, below.
Mind you, it seems as though the adult in this video – a Dutchman by the name of Eric Steenstra – is running the show, and likely the build. The go kart (dubbed "Le-GoKart" on Steenstra's tumblr page) makes use of 48 Lego Mindstorms NXT motors and 16 NXT battery packs, has working headlights and taillights and can support the weight of a 222-pound adult man. It is constructed exclusively from Lego parts, too – no cheating.
Forget the fact that the kart is so slow with a child piloting it that an area rug substantially slows it down, and simply enjoy the videoed madness, below.
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