![Photo: [DPE Wheels for Matte Red Lamborghini Murcielago ]
Move over Aventador, the Murcielago wants back in the attention pool! Ladies and Gentlemen drivers, we are here to give an example of the Murcie that is screaming “Look at Me!”, with the car using both a special color and custom wheels.
It all started with a matte red wrap for the Raging Bull, with the V12 Lambo probably being willing to give Prancing Horses its middle finger. The supercar was then gifted with a new set of shoes coming from DPE Wheels.
The rims uses a multi-spoke layout that creates a mesmerizing effect as the car moves.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/c106.0.403.403/p403x403/376254_385481994839751_305299872_n.jpg)
Move over Aventador, the Murcielago wants back in the attention pool! Ladies and Gentlemen drivers, we are here to give an example of the Murcie that is screaming “Look at Me!”, with the car using both a special color and custom wheels.
It all started with a matte red wrap for the Raging Bull, with the V12 Lambo probably being willing to give Prancing Horses its middle finger. The supercar was then gifted with a new set of shoes coming from DPE Wheels.
The rims uses a multi-spoke layout that creates a mesmerizing effect as the car moves.
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